The third edition of the ewimed report was produced by ewimed for the first time in a transnational collaboration. This international focus means that the topic of “Treatment options for pleural effusion and ascites” is also viewed from other perspectives and shows that the subcutaneously tunneled pleural and/or peritoneal indwelling catheter is used internationally for this treatment.
The following topics await you:

5-year history (2019-2023) of the ewimed patient questionnaire data

2 detailed summaries of what we consider to be very relevant studies for pleural effusion and ascites

Quality of life in patients with subcutaneously tunneled pleural and/or peritoneal
indwelling catheters from the perspective of a physician from Vienna and a patient from Sweden

Use of a subcutaneously tunneled pleural and/or peritoneal
indwelling catheter during ongoing chemotherapy discussed with a doctor from Switzerland

Some brief insights into European healthcare markets and their challenges
The ewimed Report 2024 publishes the current data from the 2023 data collection of the internal ewimed patient questionnaire. This has been collected and evaluated from all ewimed patients throughout Germany for 14 years. In addition, the literature on pleural effusion and ascites relevant to ewimed in 2023 is summarized. The topic of quality of life in patients with IPC is considered in the chapter of the same name, both from a medical perspective by Prof. Dr. Clemens Aigner from the University Hospital/Vienna General Hospital in Austria and from a patient perspective by one of our Swedish patients. Another chapter of this year’s ewimed report is the topic of IPC during ongoing chemotherapy. Here you will find an interesting interview with oncologist Dr. Yannick Buccella from Zurich City Hospital in Switzerland, as well as the possibilities and advantages of IPC during chemotherapy. Finally, you will find an overview of the current situation and upcoming changes in the healthcare markets in some of our European locations.