Perinatal care

Sonicaid CTG Team 3 Series

Fetal monitoring of the latest generation

Art. No. 495-*on request

The Sonicaid Team 3 from Huntleigh is a latest generation fetal monitoring system. It consists of wireless ultrasound probes for monitoring fetal heart rate and a TOCO probe for monitoring uterine activity.

Product advantages

  • Precise and clear presentation of fetal and maternal parameters
  • Cost-effective and reliable fetal/maternal monitoring system
  • Space-saving thanks to slim design
  • Intuitive, symbol-controlled touchscreen with display of the fetal heart rate as a large, numerical display
In twin or triplet mode, the autoscaling function of Sonicaid Team 3 ensures optimum readability of the displayed values.
The Dawes-Redman CTG analysis, on the other hand, is a reliable indicator of the fetal condition and is currently based on the largest reference database of its kind. This ensures far greater reliability and helps users to ensure the best possible care.
The “Rapid Measurement” technology for recording blood pressure during cuff inflation offers more comfort for the mother, as no suprasystolic pressure build-up is necessary and the measurement period can therefore be significantly shortened.

  • Variety of options available
  • Highly sensitive probes and digital signal processing
  • also copes with high BMI values without any problems (antepartum and intrapartum)
  • Integrated Dawess-Redman CTG analysis based on 100K algorithm (standard), which serves as a reliable fetal status indicator
  • Unlimited monitoring, even during patient transfer
  • Internal storage with data backup of the curve database, archiving and retrieval of FHR curves
  • Clinically validated fetal monitoring with 'Rapid Measurement' technology for recording blood pressure during cuff inflation
  • TREND intrapartum function for visualizing the periodic changes in the FHR (basal frequency, STV and decelerations)


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